Welcome to Every Nation Perth
A church that honours God and loves people
One family, two gatherings

A church without borders, gathering in Kwinana and in the Perth CBD. Whether you are a seeker, a believer, a sceptic or don't really know what you believe, you are welcome to join our family. We are all on a journey and believe it is better to do it together.

Kwinana Gathering Perth Central
Our Values



Because Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords,” we believe that whole-hearted submission to God’s will and his Word is the starting point of the Christian faith and the foundation of all spiritual growth.


Because God’s heart is to reach the lost, we’re passionate about preaching the gospel and doing ministry in a way that engages people outside of the Christian faith. We seek to build churches primarily through evangelism, not transfer; through birth, not adoption.

JOHN 3:16, LUKE 19:10



Because we’re called to make disciples, our primary focus is establishing biblical foundations, equipping believers to minister, and empowering disciples to make disciples—not conducting meetings, facilitating programs, or building buildings.

MATTHEW 28:19,20

Because we’re called to establish churches and campus ministries in every nation, we’re committed to a culture of empowering leadership. We’re intentionally multi-generational, and we deliberately create opportunities and platforms to develop the next generation of leaders.



Because the family is the foundation and validation of ministry, we refuse to sacrifice our marriages and our children on the altars of temporal success. And because we believe God has called us to be a spiritual family, we embrace community, reject the idea of disposable relationships, and choose to walk in love, respect, and unity.

PSALM 127:1,3


We are a Safe Church
You can read our Prevention of Abuse Policy document below