Pause and Pray
As we start let’s take a moment to pause, to be still, to re-centre our scattered thoughts onto God.

Creator God, my heavenly father, 
as I focus myself on you,
may my heart be open to your guidance
and may my mind be ready for your teaching.
May your Holy Spirit give me an awareness
of the fresh possibilities to grow in you today.

We REJOICE because God is always with us!

If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
Today we read the first of the signs pointing to Jesus in John's gospel

John 2:1-11


If you could ask God for a miracle what would it be?

with Ps James
What is a problem you are facing that only Jesus can fix?

I pause to talk with God about this now and listen for what God might want to say to me.

How will I respond to what he is saying?

We respond to Gods faithfulness with ADORATION

Great is your faithfulness
We continue to worship in ADORATION as we share the Lord's supper together

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