Pause and pray
As we start let’s take a moment to pause, to be still, to re-centre our scattered thoughts onto God.

Jesus, I invite you now to shape my life and set the direction of this day. I listen to your word, longing to imitate your works. I welcome your spirit as I fix my eyes on you.

Lord, we join people from around the world to REJOICE in praise of you

The SEVENTH and FINAL sign John recounts pointing us to a belief in Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Son of Man, God.

JOHN 11:1-45


Is death your final destination?

with Ps James
How am I living out my life in the resurrection community? How is my life a signpost that points others to Jesus?

I pause to talk with God about this now and listen for what God might want to say to me.

How will I respond to what he is saying?

Lord, I sing hallelujah in adoration at your grace and mercy in my life

A Thousand Hallelujahs
We continue to worship as we share the Lord's supper together

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Throughout history the image of a final destination, a final stop has been how many people have considered life. You are on a journey of life which one day reaches a final destination, a point where you get off the train of life and your journey comes to an end. What happens next?