Pause and Pray
As we begin, let’s take a moment to pause, to be still, to re-centre our scattered thoughts onto God.

Holy Spirit, my teacher,

as I look to you today,

would you awaken my heart,

expand my mind

and shape my identity anew.

We PRAISE God because He is the one who guides us

Lead Me Through
Today John recalls a FOURTH miraculous sign Jesus uses to point us to the reality of who He is.

JOHN 6:1-15


It's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know

with Ps James
How have I underestimated how Jesus can use me and the things I have? I bring them to him now, asking forgiveness for my lack of understanding, and ask him to use me to show others of his glory and greatness.

I pause to talk with God about this now and listen for what God might want to say to me.

How will I respond to what he is saying?

We respond to Gods greatness with ADORATION

In Your name
We continue to worship in ADORATION as we share the Lord's supper together