Pause and Pray
As we start let’s take a moment to pause, to be still, to re-centre our scattered thoughts onto God.

Jesus, I invite You to shape my life and set the direction of my year. I listen to Your word; l I long to imitate Your works and I welcome Your Spirit as I fix my eyes on You.

God we PRAISE you, because You are here now

Jesus, you are with us, send us in your name
Today we read the SECOND of the signs pointing to Jesus in John's gospel

John 4:43-54


Is seeing really believing?

with Ps James
Am I learning to make appropriate use of the signs that God has given? Or am I just wanting a God who will perform miracles to order?

I pause to talk with God about this now and listen for what God might want to say to me.

How will I respond to what he is saying?

We respond to who Jesus is with ADORATION

When I say Your name I see faith arising
We continue to worship in ADORATION as we share the Lord's supper together

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