Pause and Pray
As we start let’s take a moment to pause, to be still, to re-centre our scattered thoughts onto God.

I slow my breathing and give up my worries to you God. I open my hands to pray ...

Come Holy Spirit to my mind, I receive Your comfort.

Come Holy Spirit to my heart, I receive Your peace.

Come Holy Spirit to my soul, I receive the Father's love for me.

We REJOICE that in every circumstance God is with us

You are with me
Today we read of the FIFTH SIGN that points us to Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of God

JOHN 6:16-21


What are you afraid of?

With Ps James
Am I trying to deal with my fears by myself? Or am I willing to allow Jesus to enter my troubles and let him deal with them?


I pause to talk with God about this now and listen for what God might want to say to me.

How will I respond to what he is saying?

We respond in ADORATION to Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God

Have all of me
We continue to worship in ADORATION as we share the Lord's supper together


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As a paramedic I get to see people at their most vulnerable. When they are hurting or anxious, and often their scared. Some people are scared of me giving them a needle. Some are scared they are going to get in trouble. But one thing seems to be universal for everyone, people become quite frightened when they think they are dying. What are you afraid of?